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May 27, 2024Sunscreen and Skin Cancer Prevention
Awareness to protect yourself, friends & family

Learn how to spot, prevent, and minimize the risk of skin cancer.
Skin cancer is an abnormal growth of skin cells that forms in the tissue of the skin, which is typically caused by overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) light combined with a lack of protection. There are several types of skin cancer, all with varying levels of severity and causes. Caught early enough, skin cancer is usually very treatable. Some people are at more risk than others, but anyone can get it, which is why taking steps to prevent it is crucial.
Statistics & Facts
- Skin cancer affects more than 4 million people every year, which is approximately 9,500 a day in the United States alone.
- Skin cancer has a higher rate in women before the age of 50, however higher in men over the age of 50.
- Melanoma will affect approximately 1 in 27 men, and 1 in 40 women during their lifetime.
- 9 in 10 melanoma skin cancer cases are caused by the sun.
- Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer.
- Individuals with light colored skin, blue eyes, freckles, and natural blonde or red hair are at a higher risk of getting skin cancer than those who do not have those features.
Tips to Protect Yourself
- Make sure you are using a broad-spectrum sunscreen that blocks UVA and UVB rays.
- Seek as much shade as possible and avoid direct sunlight if outside for excessive periods of time.
- Wear protective clothing. Some apparel such as shirts and hats that are meant for the outdoors contain SPF which are also extra breathable so overheating is avoided.
- Wear a wide brim sun hat that covers your face, head, ears, and neck.
- Perform a skin self-exam. Check your body frequently for new spots; being aware of your body is a great way to catch skin cancer early by following up with your dermatologist if you notice something unusual.
As always, if you have any concerns it is best to consult your doctor about the best course of action. However, many useful resources and tools are available to you online to ensure that you are taking the necessary precautions to limit the odds of getting skin cancer or even just a sunburn. Share with your friends and family, and don’t forget to Aloe Up!
Additional Resources:
The Skin Cancer Foundation: https://www.skincancer.org/
American Academy of Dermatology: https://www.aad.org/
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: https://health.gov/